Tips for Quick, Effective Toothbrushing
Do you have a hectic lifestyle, with schedules and deadlines to keep to? If so, chances are you have to make a few shortcuts in healthy living practices to keep up with the clock. One of the most common ways to save time is to skip toothbrushing, or spend less time and care on it than you would normally, but this is one shortcut to avoid. Good oral hygiene is vital for your health and well-being, as decay, toothache and gum infections can quickly set in if standards slip, often incurring expensive treatment. The good news is there are some quick and simple ways to do this, which you can apply straight away, saving your teeth as well as your time. Just follow this simple guide:
Use a good quality toothbrush and toothpaste
The importance of using an effective toothbrush is often overlooked, so it's well worth stopping a minute to review your brush. If it's worn down, or feels too soft or hard for your needs, no amount of brushing will compensate for that. Invest in a new brush whenever the old one starts to wear down, and if it feels wrong in any way, try some alternative types and textures until you find one to suit. Whatever time you can spare for brushing will be a whole lot more worthwhile with the right brush. A suitable toothpaste is also essential for effective brushing. In particular, make sure it contains the decay-fighter, fluoride, but if unsure which to choose, check with your dentist or an official dental care site.
Brush effectively
Brushing your teeth the wrong way can be worse than pointless, especially if you're sweeping the food particles towards the roots and gums, where they could cause infections. Firm sweeps of the brush outwards, away from the gums and towards the tongue, will carry the particles safely to the centre of your mouth, from where they can be swallowed or rinsed away. Maintain this brushing action methodically around your upper and lower teeth, on the outward and the inward surfaces, then brush along the horizontal biting areas, reaching right to the back. Sweep, suck and swill out with water, to free your teeth and gums of all the debris, then rinse out again for a fresh taste and look. Thorough, targeted brushing will take you no more than a couple of minutes, potentially saving you hours of dental treatment.
Adjust brushing times to suit
Morning and evening are the commonly recommended times for toothbrushing, but they're not set in stone. If you can give more time and care to this little procedure at other times of the day or night, just switch your brushing times accordingly. The benefit of regular, quality care will compensate for missing those advantageous times.
Drink water after meals
If you're having to keep toothbrushing to a minimum at the moment, drink some clear, fresh water after meals to wash away lingering food traces. This will help to clean and protect your teeth and gums, without taking up your time. You'll be freshening up your breath in the process and brightening up your smile, so it's a habit worth keeping.
Avoid sugary drinks and snacks
You can help preserve your teeth by reducing your sugar intake. Try to resist adding sugar to your tea and coffee, and avoid sugary drinks and snack products. You can help your teeth further by cutting out snacks altogether, benefiting your figure and all-round health at the same time.
It's great to have a full, active life, provided you find ways to accommodate the essentials, like tooth care. With these common sense tactics, you can save your precious teeth and your sparkling smile, while keeping on the go all day.